Sales: 07401 914341



We will have a sales booth at the following events, please monitor this information as new events will be added periodically.

Upcoming events for 2024

June 14th-16th. Weston Park International Model Show. Shropshire West Midlands

July 6th-7th Woodsprings Model Airshow  Claverham Drove Nr. Yatton nearest postcode BS21 6TZ

July 27th-28th. LMA Sleap Airfield Shrewsbury, West Midlands SY4 3HE

Aug 10th-11th. LMA Yorkshire Airshow, Elvington Airfield Nr. York YO41 4AU

Sept 7th-8th. LMA Much Marcle, Nr.Ledbury, Hereford HR8 2LX