Sales: 07401 914341

Falcon Props Announce Expanded Range

23 May 2013

We are pleased to bring you news of an incredible expansion in the size availability of both the Beechwood and Carbon range of propellers. In line with Falcons Props ongoing commitment in developing the product range in that approximately 40 more prop sizes have been added. This will cater for the increasing number of new capacities introduced by engine manufactures that are now available, the additional new prop sizes are as follows.

Beechwood: 12x4, 12x8, 13x4, 13x6, 14x8, 15x6, 17x10, 19x8, 20x12, 20x15, 21x10, 22x12, 23x12 and 36x12.

Carbon Petrol/Nitro: 17x6.5, 18x6.5, 18x10, 18x11, 19x8, 20x9, 20x11, 20x12, 22x11, 22x12, 23x9, 26x11, 26x12, 26x13, 27x9W, 27x11, 27x12, 28x9W, 28x9.5, 29x9, 30x12, 31x14, 32x12 and 33x11W.

These props should be available in limited numbers within the next few weeks, please pre-order to secure you requirements.

Additionally we can expect some new Electric Carbon sizes and some three blade Carbon availability in the near future.

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