Sales: 07401 914341

Servo Extention Leads - (12in-300mm)

Superior Quality Servo Extension Leads, 60 strand 22swg, gold plated connectors.
Manufacturer: Propguy

Superior Quality Servo Extension Leads, 60 strand 22swg, gold plated connectors.

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Superior Quality Servo Extension Leads, 60 strand 22swg, gold plated connectors.

Autostart system for theNGH 38cc 4 stroke engine

This is our new Autostart system for the popular NGH 38cc 4 stroke engine. With a revised engine mount and variable timing adjustment the Autostart system transforms this unit into a very compact super smooth starting and operating engine. This notorious vibrating, finger biting engine has now been transformed to run like a Swiss watch! This unit will find favour with Scale Modellers for sure.

Instructions for the NGH AutoStart system